Event sales

Here are the events you will find us 2020. More events will follow. If you want us at your race or event contact us to discuss possibilities. If you as a customer want to be sure that we have a certain product or size let us know. Even better is if you order the product in our web shop and choose delivery option ”collect at event”. Do not forget to state, in the order, on which event you will pick up the product.


2020-03-06Laholms IFnight
2020-03-07Halmstad OKmiddle distance
2020-03-08OK Lindénalong
2020-03-15Falkenbergs OKlong
2020-03-20OK Skogshjortarnanight
2020-03-21FK Göingarnamiddle distance
2020-03-22FK Göingarnalong
2020-03-28IK Uvenmiddle distance